We need to wake up!

Yes. We really need. As we already wrote before, the more information we get, the more certain we are about the way to go. And the direction is just one: go vegan. And for that reason we would love to share some content that probably isn’t new for some of…

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Leave my tits alone!

It’s not a secret anymore, for the most of us, that humans shouldn’t drink cow, goat or sheep milk. A lot of people are still sceptical when it comes to the topic, but there are many more reasons against consuming milk from animals than in favour of it. In the…

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Healthy Food

Everyday is a new learning day for us.  We are in a process, which seems long, but at the end, what we are getting back, will be worth it. The more we read and learn, the more we are sure that this is the right way, because eating healthy will…

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What Inspired Us

Documentaries always made part of our life, especially the ones related to environment issues. Besides that, we are totally inspired of what avoids animal abuse. We don’t want to sound hypocrite, because we still consume animal products like milk, yoghurt, butter and cheese, but we are a 100% committed to…

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About us

Hi there! Welcome to our world! If you are open minded, a foodlover, you care about this world, love to explore and to be inspired then you will feel right at home here. We will take you along on trips, share travel tips, yummy (vegan) recipes, creative ideas and whatever…

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