We need to wake up!

Yes. We really need. As we already wrote before, the more information we get, the more certain we are about the way to go. And the direction is just one: go vegan. And for that reason we would love to share some content that probably isn’t new for some of…

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Leave my tits alone!

It’s not a secret anymore, for the most of us, that humans shouldn’t drink cow, goat or sheep milk. A lot of people are still sceptical when it comes to the topic, but there are many more reasons against consuming milk from animals than in favour of it. In the…

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A few weeks ago, we decided to escape our daily routine for a few days over Christmas.  We were searching some cheap holidays close by and Italy was our option. We planned our holidays (accomodation and some small schedules and places to visit) and we hit the road. 21.12 In the…

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