The last weeks have been incredible for us and that’s why we have been away from the blog lately.
But we are back with some BIG news: After a long search and lots of deliberating about pros and cons we could finally realize another one of our dreams. Well, half of the dream by now. The other half still needs to be done, but it is on wheels 🙂
After the experience we had in Australia when we rented a van converted into a camper which basically had a bed (that we needed to install everyday) and not really much more, both of us wanted to have our own campervan. And we finally did it! We are super excited and happy, because the choice was not easy to make and because after this step we are able to travel with the autonomy we wanted and to explore incredible places without spending tons of money on accommodation. As we are both nature lovers (in case you didn’t notice yet), making this step will allow us to have the freedom we want while we travel.
Now the journey has just started, because there is a lot to do to convert this van into our home on wheels. Since purchasing the van we spent a huge amount of time watching videos, reading in forums, getting help and knowledge from people who already did a van conversion to get some ideas and learn about the concepts.
In case you are curious about our still-to-be-named van, here are a few details:
We got an Opel Movano L1H2. For the people who don’t know, “L” means “length” and “H” means “heigth”. So the van is high enough to stand (which is super pratical) but also short, which will help us to park easier. Our exigences where mainly for the van to be high enough to stand and to have AC and we believe that we don’t need a bigger van for now.
Especially after renting the van in Australia which was a L1H1 where we weren’t able to stand and with no AC. Can you imagine a campervan without AC in Australia? 😀
It was not easy, especially because it was summer there and we did almost 2000 km in 5 days. We mostly used the van to sleep. We didn’t even cook in it because the conditions were not really good. Even though we didn’t use the van that long, we still managed to get a penalty (overspeed), that we received weeks later here in Switzerland 😀 Not exactly the souvenir we were looking for, but now we can laugh about it.
Well, we also want to make a big post about our time in Australia but it might take a while as we have a lot of material and both of us are busy with other stuff right now. But we will do it as soon as possible ❤ Meanwhile you can watch our video from the other side of the world (Austrália) ❤
Now while we wait for the material we ordered, we are trying to make our own project and testing which layout fits best for us and our needs.
But we will leave that for another post here on the blog 🙂
To stay updated on our van life journey, subscribe us✌
And if you have any ideas on how to name our little yellow beauty, let us know 😀